Assignment Type: |
If Contract, Indicate period available: |
Purchase Order Number:*
Contact Name:* |
E-Mail Address:* |
Telephone Number:* |
Company Name:* |
Mailing Address: |
Company Web Address: |
Type of Business:* |
Approved Position Title:* |
Reports To: |
Experience Required:
Keep to within fifty words or less. Use nouns, as keywords used in search engine. * |
Knowledge Required:
Keep to within fifty words or less. Use nouns, as keywords used in search engine. * |
Location:* |
Education: Indicate School/Location, Curriculum/Major, Dates Attended, Degree Pursued/Received* |
Other Qualifications: Professional licenses, honors, patents, awards, special recognition, community experiences, etc. |
Languages: Indicate required proficiency in additional languages.* |
Scope of Responsibility: Would the impact of your daily decisions affect the entire corporation, a division/strategic business unit, or only a profit center. |
Nature of Your Authority: For our purpose, authority defines your power over others.
Choose one of the following definitions which best describes the "nature" of your authority.* |
Operating Authority: Authority to make decisions and to require action for the achievement of the enterprise, group or departmental objectives. Typically, this is "line" authority. |
Functional Authority: Power over the specialized, specific activities, policies, or procedures in another department, division or group. |
Advisory Authority: Describes the relationship of a person in a staff advisory position to advise the operating executive in making his/her decisions. The authority to "advise," not to make operating decisions. |
Service Authority: The provision of service, aid or auxiliary activities to either line or staff executives in contributing to the overall efficiency of the group, department or enterprise. |
Degree of Your Authority: Check one of the following definitions which best describes the "degree" of your authority. Would the impact of your daily decisions affect the entire corporation, a group, or only a profit center. |
Paste Position Description |
Please paste a copy of your position description and/or ad copy in the space provided on the right. Your assignment request will be processed within forty eight hours. Should you have any questions with respect to your assignment, which require immediate response, please contact Forbes Rutherford of Rutherford International at