Salary Trends
In North America - What Are You Worth?
We expect the North American
economy to undergo a series of chaotic
disruptions throughout the forthcoming years
as it adjusts to the realities of an
emerging second world (India and China),
which is rapidly advancing through its
industrialization and meeting the first
world head-on in knowledge driven high value
manufacturing and the provision of
professional services.
Contrary to the WTO efforts, the world is
carving itself into trading blocks and as a
defensive posture; it's very likely the
North American economy will become more not
less united. As a result, the median range
of Canada's Total Cash Compensation paid to
employees is apt to align with that of their
American counterparts over the next ten
Apart from an intertwining of North
America's economy, additional factors
contributing to this North American
equalization of Total Cash Compensation are:
flexible retention strategies to offset
transient and lifestyle career planning that
is endemic to professionals under age 35;
aggressive cross-border recruitment due to
skill shortages and knowledge gap caused by
mass retirements; NAFTA sponsored
North-South labor mobility, tax reform to
offset tax bracket shopping and release
human capital into wealth creating endeavors
(State and Provincial governments will
compete for high value workers tomorrow in
the same manner as they compete for business
investment today. As well, far too much of
Canada and the U.S.A.'s intellectual capital
is pre-occupied with income tax collection,
compliance and planning.); demand for
private health insurance due to
deterioration of Canada's public health care
system, and the Canadian petroleum and aqua
dollar holding its value against the
Greenback. All of these factors will
symbiotically link the two major North
American economies and align compensation
rates over the coming decade.
Salary Wizard
(We anticipate greater alignment of Canadian
real estate compensation with American
compensation ranges. Canadian compensation
tends to be high base compensation with
average bonus, which isn't always tied
effectively to performance; however the
American structure is quite the reverse -
average base pay with aggressive performance
based bonuses. Canadian real estate
professionals should use this link to get a
sense of where compensation is going for
their particular function. Recognize however
that the information presented is a national
average of urban, suburban and rural data
combined. If your focus is urban, then you
should access information for a specific
American city that has a trade area similar
to your Canadian market.)
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