December 27,
2008 – Toronto, Canada
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Topic: Right Sizing In Recessionary Times
When the economic tide lifts all boats in
the harbor, it’s easy for mediocre
management and staff to remain unrecognized;
but how does a company keep afloat when the
tide has turned and you discover that you’re
top heavy with drift wood?
Forbes Rutherford
Driftwood, deadwood, flotsam are harsh
terms for describing under-performing staff
– since you’re using nautical terms – how
about corporations staying afloat with too
much ballast. It may be that these newly
exposed underperformers were quite effective
in their previous positions but regretfully
were promoted to their level of incompetence
– or perhaps their lack of competence is the
result of poor mentoring – or ineffectual
It may also be that the
executive or staff member was limited in
their ability to problem solve laterally or
embrace change willingly, nor find ways to
adapt to economic demands that required
greater agility. Does the fault lay with the
individual or the analysis and decision
behind their having been hired or promoted
in the first place? The lack of these traits
is as indicative of under-performing
corporations as they are of poor employees.
I should return to the
question at hand. The fact that a company
has been diligent in identifying human
capital weaknesses prior to the ship
settling or running aground, puts it well
ahead of a vast number of companies faced
with the challenges of effectively managing
their costs in a recessionary market.
Identifying the competency gaps within an
organization through the lens of a
performance based metric would suggest this
company is likely to approach recessionary
cost management strategically rather than
retrench reflexively.
Is there a formulaic response to rightsizing
in a recession?
Forbes Rutherford
Most companies, especially in real
estate – whether it’s the manufacturing,
servicing or transacting of real estate fail
to recognize the hard reality that gravity
does exist in finance and that market cycles
by definition – do cycle. The failure to
recognize this reality generally results in
a reflexive management response, which often
has the earmarks of a formulaic response.
To be frank, it depends
on the leadership, the level of uncertainty
relative to market circumstances and the
degree of financial hemorrhaging. According
to a Bain Consulting study as reported in
the Harvard Business Review, there are three
types of executives one might observe in the
face of an impending recession. The first
type was “over-confident and likely to
under-respond; the second was
“under-confident and likely to
over-respond,” while the third type was
likely to respond to an approaching
recession in a “balanced” fashion.
How do you recognize the “over confident and
under-responsive” executive?
Forbes Rutherford
This type is someone that believes in
the superiority of their business
micro-drivers relative to those of their
competitors. He or she is likely to chase a
volatile market down on the strength of a
hunch, believes the company is impervious to
industry trends, and dismisses empirical
analysis over clairvoyant enthusiasm. Likely
fearful of undermining company morale, this
management type will Pied Pipe their company
and staff into the sea all the while
radiating confidence.
How do you recognize the “under confident
and over responsive” executive?
Forbes Rutherford
This type is someone who imperils long
term sustainability while focusing on
short-term survival. They’ll shrink core
business lines and bail water while throwing
life lines at potential revenue ventures
that fall outside of their core competency.
Their lack of confidence in core business
revenue skews their focus, dilutes the
remaining staffs’ energy and undermines
existing market share by destabilizing
client confidence.
How do you recognize the executive who seem
to get the balance just right?
Forbes Rutherford
These executives are not reactive; it’s
likely that effective cost management is a
core element of the firm’s culture. Good
companies apply the same discipline to
“effective” cost controls in matters of
product innovation and market development in
both good times and bad. Effective cost
management minimizes the corporate
adjustment without undermining the potential
for quick recovery.
It’s not hard to agree with the premise that
prudent management of costs in both good and
bad times will soften the adjustments
required by an approaching recession.
However, when you’re in the thick of a
recession – is the process not formulaic at
this point?
Forbes Rutherford
Contraction by most companies tends to
be a bit formulaic. The approach tends to
follow an often cooked recipe that has the
following ingredients: “head count reduction
in force (RIF) or selectively, hiring
freeze, elimination of perks, scaling back
business travel and nonessential services
including R & D and production, closure of
offices, sale of assets, limitation of
marketing and brand advertising." The cook
must keep the lid locked tight, simmer, and
repeat if necessary, as many times as
This does not strike me as very imaginative.
Is leadership trumped by formula?
Forbes Rutherford
I suppose if a company has been caught
unprepared and hasn't fostered a "continuous
cost management" culture, then formula will
trump imagination. But let's be fair - the
soufflé you've been baking all these years
is at risk of collapsing - all these
ingredients need to be considered in the
However it is not so much about "formulaic
cost controls" as the ascendancy of "linear"
approaches to problem solving over that of
"lateral thinking." Management often
defaults to learned formula. The Acolytes of
this formula are most often empirically
minded Technocrats that rarely step away
from their spreadsheets and ledgers. It’s
not uncommon for the corporate Technocrat's
influence within the corporation to be
ascendant during recessionary times; with
focus on the ledger and balance sheet
health, they are often the champions of this
recurring cost cutting recipe described
Is the Technocrat’s influence what ails the
company in the long run?
Forbes Rutherford
One can not generalize. It depends on
the individual, their intrinsic interests in
all aspects of business, their problem
solving profile and what gives them the
greatest degree of comfort. Those who find
comfort in empiricism - be they Staffers or
Executive, will always default to learned
formula. I wouldn’t put anyone in a position
that effects the long term strategic
direction of a firm without assessing their
psychometric make-up and ability to lead in
stressful times.
Labour costs are the single most expensive
input cost for a company. Surely you’re not
suggesting that this critical cost overhead
should be the last line item to consider
when adjusting for a contracting market?
Forbes Rutherford
Cutbacks are inevitable – however the
hiving of payroll and benefits is an easy
and tempting target when faced with the
first reflexive response to a waning market
and is often done as a cross-the-board
tactic rather than selectively.
A “Reduction In
Force” (RIF) and broad cuts across the
board on an equal percentage basis for each
department might seem exceedingly fair with
respect to spreading the pain - it’s easily
understood both internally and externally;
it’s expedient and easy to monitor but it’s
also an indication of lazy management.
Without some form of discretion you’re apt
to cut away the future value creator to
avoid paying severance to a tenured
Depending upon the
corporation’s organizational structure,
broadly focused cuts based on a forced
universal percentage may not be the most
effective approach to cutting costs. For
instance, if the firm is a matrix
organization – the Directors of each Center
of Excellence may not take into
consideration the needs of a specific
account when trying to meet their staff
reduction target. Perhaps an account that
might represent a considerable portion of
the corporation’s revenue can be unknowingly
put at risk.
What would you advise
clients at this stage of the recession?
Forbes Rutherford
My advice to clients would be to not
overreact. If continuous cost management was
not part of their corporate culture during
the good times then now is a good time to
embrace it, but not in a wholesale fashion
that undermines the company’s ability to
have momentum when the market rebounds.
Without a modicum of
deliberation and care, a chainsaw themed
cost cutting exercise will have a
deleterious impact on the company’s revenue
well after the recession is over. This harsh
reality was discovered by Mercer Management
Consulting which identified 120 “rabid cost
cutters” out of 800 companies analyzed
across multiple industries in the last major
recession. Two thirds of these 120 firms
failed to achieve positive revenue growth in
the five years following the recession. The
primary reason for this failure was a
failure to plan for recovery while making
their cuts during the recession.
There are always
opportunities for those that have the
creativity to see it – we have entered a
chaotic phase in the business cycle, however
in “chaotic systems” one can find
substantive patterns; in real estate as in
any business, there are opportunities to be
found within chaotic economies.
In fact, nimble
companies should use this time to improve
the quality of their management teams. It’s
easy for mediocrity to lay hidden when the
economy is healthy – not so when market
position and margins are eroding.